Db Attributes
This group defines the attributes used to describe telemetry in the context of databases.
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
db.client.connections.pool.name | string | The name of the connection pool; unique within the instrumented application. In case the connection pool implementation doesn’t provide a name, instrumentation should use a combination of server.address and server.port attributes formatted as server.address:server.port . | myDataSource | |
db.client.connections.state | string | The state of a connection in the pool | idle | |
db.collection.name | string | The name of a collection (table, container) within the database. [1] | public.users ; customers | |
db.namespace | string | The name of the database, fully qualified within the server address and port. [2] | customers ; test.users | |
db.operation.name | string | The name of the operation or command being executed. [3] | findAndModify ; HMSET ; SELECT | |
db.query.parameter.<key> | string | The query parameters used in db.query.text , with <key> being the parameter name, and the attribute value being the parameter value. [4] | someval ; 55 | |
db.query.text | string | The database query being executed. | SELECT * FROM wuser_table where username = ? ; SET mykey "WuValue" | |
db.system | string | The database management system (DBMS) product as identified by the client instrumentation. [5] | other_sql ; mssql ; mssqlcompact |
[1]: If the collection name is parsed from the query, it SHOULD match the value provided in the query and may be qualified with the schema and database name. It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
[2]: If a database system has multiple namespace components, they SHOULD be concatenated (potentially using database system specific conventions) from most general to most specific namespace component, and more specific namespaces SHOULD NOT be captured without the more general namespaces, to ensure that “startswith” queries for the more general namespaces will be valid.
Semantic conventions for individual database systems SHOULD document what db.namespace
means in the context of that system.
It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
[3]: It is RECOMMENDED to capture the value as provided by the application without attempting to do any case normalization.
[4]: Query parameters should only be captured when db.query.text
is parameterized with placeholders.
If a parameter has no name and instead is referenced only by index, then <key>
SHOULD be the 0-based index.
[5]: The actual DBMS may differ from the one identified by the client. For example, when using PostgreSQL client libraries to connect to a CockroachDB, the db.system
is set to postgresql
based on the instrumentation’s best knowledge.
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
idle | idle | |
used | used |
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
other_sql | Some other SQL database. Fallback only. See notes. | |
mssql | Microsoft SQL Server | |
mssqlcompact | Microsoft SQL Server Compact | |
mysql | MySQL | |
oracle | Oracle Database | |
db2 | IBM Db2 | |
postgresql | PostgreSQL | |
redshift | Amazon Redshift | |
hive | Apache Hive | |
cloudscape | Cloudscape | |
hsqldb | HyperSQL DataBase | |
progress | Progress Database | |
maxdb | SAP MaxDB | |
hanadb | SAP HANA | |
ingres | Ingres | |
firstsql | FirstSQL | |
edb | EnterpriseDB | |
cache | InterSystems Caché | |
adabas | Adabas (Adaptable Database System) | |
firebird | Firebird | |
derby | Apache Derby | |
filemaker | FileMaker | |
informix | Informix | |
instantdb | InstantDB | |
interbase | InterBase | |
mariadb | MariaDB | |
netezza | Netezza | |
pervasive | Pervasive PSQL | |
pointbase | PointBase | |
sqlite | SQLite | |
sybase | Sybase | |
teradata | Teradata | |
vertica | Vertica | |
h2 | H2 | |
coldfusion | ColdFusion IMQ | |
cassandra | Apache Cassandra | |
hbase | Apache HBase | |
mongodb | MongoDB | |
redis | Redis | |
couchbase | Couchbase | |
couchdb | CouchDB | |
cosmosdb | Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB | |
dynamodb | Amazon DynamoDB | |
neo4j | Neo4j | |
geode | Apache Geode | |
elasticsearch | Elasticsearch | |
memcached | Memcached | |
cockroachdb | CockroachDB | |
opensearch | OpenSearch | |
clickhouse | ClickHouse | |
spanner | Cloud Spanner | |
trino | Trino |
Db Cassandra Attributes
This group defines attributes for Cassandra.
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
db.cassandra.consistency_level | string | The consistency level of the query. Based on consistency values from CQL. | all ; each_quorum ; quorum | |
db.cassandra.coordinator.dc | string | The data center of the coordinating node for a query. | us-west-2 | |
db.cassandra.coordinator.id | string | The ID of the coordinating node for a query. | be13faa2-8574-4d71-926d-27f16cf8a7af | |
db.cassandra.idempotence | boolean | Whether or not the query is idempotent. | ||
db.cassandra.page_size | int | The fetch size used for paging, i.e. how many rows will be returned at once. | 5000 | |
db.cassandra.speculative_execution_count | int | The number of times a query was speculatively executed. Not set or 0 if the query was not executed speculatively. | 0 ; 2 |
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
all | all | |
each_quorum | each_quorum | |
quorum | quorum | |
local_quorum | local_quorum | |
one | one | |
two | two | |
three | three | |
local_one | local_one | |
any | any | |
serial | serial | |
local_serial | local_serial |
Db CosmosDB Attributes
This group defines attributes for Azure Cosmos DB.
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
db.cosmosdb.client_id | string | Unique Cosmos client instance id. | 3ba4827d-4422-483f-b59f-85b74211c11d | |
db.cosmosdb.connection_mode | string | Cosmos client connection mode. | gateway ; direct | |
db.cosmosdb.operation_type | string | CosmosDB Operation Type. | Invalid ; Create ; Patch | |
db.cosmosdb.request_charge | double | RU consumed for that operation | 46.18 ; 1.0 | |
db.cosmosdb.request_content_length | int | Request payload size in bytes | ||
db.cosmosdb.status_code | int | Cosmos DB status code. | 200 ; 201 | |
db.cosmosdb.sub_status_code | int | Cosmos DB sub status code. | 1000 ; 1002 |
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
gateway | Gateway (HTTP) connections mode | |
direct | Direct connection. |
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
Invalid | invalid | |
Create | create | |
Patch | patch | |
Read | read | |
ReadFeed | read_feed | |
Delete | delete | |
Replace | replace | |
Execute | execute | |
Query | query | |
Head | head | |
HeadFeed | head_feed | |
Upsert | upsert | |
Batch | batch | |
QueryPlan | query_plan | |
ExecuteJavaScript | execute_javascript |
Db Deprecated Attributes
“Describes deprecated db attributes.”
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
db.cassandra.table | string | Deprecated, use db.collection.name instead. | mytable | Replaced by db.collection.name . |
db.connection_string | string | Deprecated, use server.address , server.port attributes instead. | Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Integrated Security=true; | “Replaced by server.address and server.port .” |
db.cosmosdb.container | string | Deprecated, use db.collection.name instead. | mytable | Replaced by db.collection.name . |
db.instance.id | string | Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use db.elasticsearch.node.name instead. | mysql-e26b99z.example.com | Deprecated, no general replacement at this time. For Elasticsearch, use db.elasticsearch.node.name instead. |
db.jdbc.driver_classname | string | Removed, no replacement at this time. | org.postgresql.Driver ; com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver | Removed as not used. |
db.mongodb.collection | string | Deprecated, use db.collection.name instead. | mytable | Replaced by db.collection.name . |
db.mssql.instance_name | string | Deprecated, SQL Server instance is now populated as a part of db.namespace attribute. | MSSQLSERVER | Deprecated, no replacement at this time. |
db.name | string | Deprecated, use db.namespace instead. | customers ; main | Replaced by db.namespace . |
db.operation | string | Deprecated, use db.operation.name instead. | findAndModify ; HMSET ; SELECT | Replaced by db.operation.name . |
db.redis.database_index | int | Deprecated, use db.namespace instead. | 0 ; 1 ; 15 | Replaced by db.namespace . |
db.sql.table | string | Deprecated, use db.collection.name instead. | mytable | Replaced by db.collection.name . |
db.statement | string | The database statement being executed. | SELECT * FROM wuser_table ; SET mykey "WuValue" | Replaced by db.query.text . |
db.user | string | Deprecated, no replacement at this time. | readonly_user ; reporting_user | No replacement at this time. |
Db Elasticsearch Attributes
This group defines attributes for Elasticsearch.
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
db.elasticsearch.cluster.name | string | Represents the identifier of an Elasticsearch cluster. | e9106fc68e3044f0b1475b04bf4ffd5f | |
db.elasticsearch.node.name | string | Represents the human-readable identifier of the node/instance to which a request was routed. | instance-0000000001 | |
db.elasticsearch.path_parts.<key> | string | A dynamic value in the url path. [6] | db.elasticsearch.path_parts.index=test-index ; db.elasticsearch.path_parts.doc_id=123 |
[6]: Many Elasticsearch url paths allow dynamic values. These SHOULD be recorded in span attributes in the format db.elasticsearch.path_parts.<key>
, where <key>
is the url path part name. The implementation SHOULD reference the elasticsearch schema in order to map the path part values to their names.
Db Metrics Deprecated Attributes
“Describes deprecated db metrics attributes.”
Attribute | Type | Description | Examples | Stability |
pool.name | string | Deprecated, use db.client.connections.pool.name instead. | myDataSource | Replaced by db.client.connections.pool.name . |
state | string | Deprecated, use db.client.connections.state instead. | idle | Replaced by db.client.connections.state . |
has the following list of well-known values. If one of them applies, then the respective value MUST be used; otherwise, a custom value MAY be used.
Value | Description | Stability |
idle | idle | |
used | used |